Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I have arrived and the 1st month is OVER!

Well I have officially arrived in South Africa and have been here for over a month! Sorry I suck so much at updating my blog everyone. So I guess I'll just give you a run down of everything that been happening.
  • I am working in the Media and Research office here in Parliament for the Democratic Alliance.  Everyone here is really nice and helpful I've been able to meet several of the MPs(Members of Parliament) and I have also met the Parliamentary Leader and the Chief Whip.
  • My everyday duties are: updating the DA website's "newsroom" (www.da.org.za) with statements that are made by the MPs, Forwarding party registrations to the Province or area leader, and getting the newspapers after lunch...exciting I know.
  • So far I have had 1 reasearch project which was writing a discussion document on Youth Unemployment in South Africa and ways government can help solve the problem.  It was a combined paper between Aubrey and I. 
We have done lots of fun stuff when we dont work on the weekends.
We went to Simons Town and saw penguins! Yes Penguins in Africa!
Then we went to the Cape of Good Hope, which is the lowest point in Africa

We also went to Robben Island. Which was the prison that Nelson Mandela Spent most of his 27 years of incarceration. The first picture is of me in fron of Nelson Mandela's cell.

The beaches here are beautiful and the weather is finally getting nice and warm its great!!!
I will upload some video of the tour of Robben Island later. And in a couple weeks we will be going to COLDPLAY I am excited!

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