Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Welcome to my new blog!

As some of you may know I have recently been accepted as an intern for a political part in South Africa called the Democratic Alliance (DA).

I am super excited for this and I will be leaving for South Africa on August 18th and I will be there until December 19th.

I'll keep you updated on everything and I already have 2 hugely awesome updates!

1.  My best friend Aubrey Robinson has also been accepted as an intern and will be coming along as well!!!

2. As some of you know cost of international travel is expensive especially because I will not be being paid for my internship.  I asked a few different departments at UVU to help me with my costs and expenses and to my great excitement I received an email from Mr. David Yells.  Mr. Yells is the Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at UVU and he has agreed to donate $1000 to my experience there!

I am so grateful for this donation.  And there is no way to say how grateful I actually am.  This donation will help me greatly!
So again THANK YOU Dean Yells and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences for your very generous donation.

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