Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Visitors visa has arrived!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Developments!!!

Well some exciting new developments have come in the past few days so I thought I would write a quick little note to update you all!

1. My friend and internship buddy Aubrey Jo also has a blog now! She is a much better writer than me and more detailed so to get the full experience you should visit both blogs! Her's is www.aubreyjosouthafrica.blogspot.com

2. I have received additional grant money from 2 different departments at UVU!
The International Studies program has donated $500 to help me and the Political Science Department has donated $400! So a HUGE Thank You to those departments especially Dr. Brian Birch, Grant Skaeblund, and Dr. Kat Brown! It is greatly appreciated!

So now my total fund raising dollars is $2000! So thank you to all those who also donated money to me through my pay pal account as well! You seriously have no idea how much you have helped me! Just to give you an idea this internship experience is gonna cost me around $3500 after everything is said and done! It would be more but my AMAZING parents donated their miles to me for my plane ticket as my birthday back in April so that helped a ton!!!!


PPS Its never too late to help a brother out! Seriously every dollar helps! If you can it will be greatly appreciated!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Apartment and Car!

  Well time is flying by I only have 45 days til I leave to South Africa to start my internship! Im really excited, we've gotten a lot done but still have lots more that we need to do.  Most recently we reserved our car and apartment. I'll be posting pictures of both of them at the end of this post. I'm still figuring out how to do this whole blog thing.

As you may notice there is now a "donate" tab at the top of the blog.  Even though I received $1000 from Dean Yells and his department, I am still short of my fund-raising goal.  Which is where all of you can come in!  I know with the economy and everything going on times are tough but any amount will help, and I really mean any amount. I know that won't be possible for most of you and thats ok!

Well now onto the new stuff!!!
We have reserved a car while we are there it is a Volkswagon Chico for all those who have been to or lived in SA you've seen these cars everywhere! But for everyone else here is what it looks like:


Ya I know its gonna be awesome!

And now onto our apartment.  We will actually be living in a hotel! Which I think is pretty cool. It not a super nice hotel in the ad it was described as boutiquey ha! But it still seems very nice! Its right behind the local grocery store/mall and 450m from the beach or a little more than a 1/4 mile or approx. 6 min walking (according to Google maps) If you wanna see for yourself the address is 3 Holmfirth Rd., Sea Point, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

That's the outside! Now for the inside!

So ya thats what everything looks like so far! Thanks for all your support and help everyone! 
My next post will probably be just before I leave or after I arrive in Johannesburg on August 20!